Programster's Blog

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Alternative Docker PS

I find that the output of docker ps is too wide, and will always wrap on my screen. It looks like I'm not the only one. Unfortunately, using docker ps | less -S doesn't work for me either when using byobu, so I came up with my own script to get the output in a veritcal, YAML based format. It produces a result like below:


Use the following script to output information about your running containers. You can pass the --full optional parameter to get all the details, instead of a shorter version.

#!/usr/bin/env php

class Container
    private $m_command;
    private $m_createdAt;
    private $m_id;
    private $m_image;
    private $m_labels;
    private $m_localVolumes;
    private $m_mounts;
    private $m_names;
    private $m_networks;
    private $m_ports;
    private $m_runningFor;
    private $m_size;
    private $m_status;
    private $m_verbose;

    public function __construct(array $arrayForm, bool $verbose)
        $this->m_command = $arrayForm['Command'];
        $this->m_createdAt = $arrayForm['CreatedAt'];
        $this->m_id = $arrayForm['ID'];
        $this->m_image = $arrayForm['Image'];
        $this->m_labels = $arrayForm['Labels'];
        $this->m_localVolumes = $arrayForm['LocalVolumes'];
        $this->m_mounts = $arrayForm['Mounts'];
        $this->m_names = $arrayForm['Names'];
        $this->m_networks = $arrayForm['Networks'];
        $this->m_ports = $arrayForm['Ports'];
        $this->m_runningFor = $arrayForm['RunningFor'];
        $this->m_size = $arrayForm['Size'];
        $this->m_status = $arrayForm['Status'];
        $this->m_verbose = $verbose;

    public function __toString()
        $stringForm = "";
        $red = "\033[31m";
        $lightRed = "\033[91m";
        $noColor = "\033[0m";
        $green = "\033[32m";
        $lightGreen = "\033[92m";
        $lightYellow = "\033[93m";
        $lightBlue = "\033[94m";
        $lightCyan = "\033[96m";
        $lightMagenta = "\033[95m";

        $darkGrey = "\033[90m";

        $cyan = "\033[36m";
        $blue = "\033[34m";
        $magenta = "\033[35m";
        $yellow = "\033[33m";
        $lightGrey = "\033[37m";
        $white = "\033[97m";
        $dim = "\033[2m";
        $resetDim = "\033[22m";

        if ($this->m_verbose === false)
            $shortId = substr($this->m_id, 0, 12);

            $stringForm =
                "{$lightGrey}Image{$darkGrey}: {$lightGreen}{$this->m_image}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}Name{$darkGrey}:{$lightMagenta} {$this->m_names}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}ID{$darkGrey}: {$lightCyan}{$shortId}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}Mounts{$darkGrey}: {$lightBlue}{$this->m_mounts}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}Ports{$darkGrey}: {$cyan}{$this->m_ports}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}Status{$darkGrey}: {$white}{$this->m_status}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL;
            $stringForm =
                "{$lightGrey}Image{$darkGrey}: {$lightGreen}{$this->m_image}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}Name{$darkGrey}:{$lightMagenta} {$this->m_names}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}ID{$darkGrey}: {$lightCyan}{$this->m_id}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}Command{$darkGrey}: {$blue}{$this->m_command}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}CreatedAt{$darkGrey}: {$green}{$this->m_createdAt}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}Mounts{$darkGrey}: {$lightBlue}{$this->m_mounts}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}Ports{$darkGrey}: {$cyan}{$this->m_ports}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}Size{$darkGrey}: {$dim}{$white}{$this->m_size}{$resetDim}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}Status{$darkGrey}: {$white}{$this->m_status}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}LocalVolumes{$darkGrey}: {$dim}{$lightYellow}{$this->m_localVolumes}{$resetDim}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL .
                "{$lightGrey}Labels{$darkGrey}: {$dim}{$white}{$this->m_labels}{$resetDim}{$noColor}" . PHP_EOL;

        return $stringForm;

$fullVersion = (isset($argv[1]) && strtolower($argv[1]) === "--full");

$info = shell_exec("docker ps --no-trunc --format '{{ json .}}'");
$lines = array_filter(explode(PHP_EOL, $info));
$containers = [];

foreach ($lines as $line)
    $containerArray = json_decode($line, true);
    $containers[] = new Container($containerArray, $fullVersion);

$string = PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, $containers);
echo $string;

Easy Install

wget \
  && sudo mv dockerps /usr/bin/dockerps \
  && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/dockerps

Combining with Less Command

If you wan't to pipe to less, then be sure to use -r parameter in order to gracefully handle the colors. E.g.

dockerps | less -r
Last updated: 5th September 2020
First published: 24th August 2020

This blog is created by Stuart Page

I'm a freelance web developer and technology consultant based in Surrey, UK, with over 10 years experience in web development, DevOps, Linux Administration, and IT solutions.

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