Amazon Linux - Install Byobu
First try with:
sudo yum install byobu -y
If that doesn't work, you can add the EPEL repository (Amazon Linux 2):
sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel
sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel
sudo yum install byobu -y
Manually Compile
Alternatively, one can manually compile by running the following commands:
tar xzf byobu*.tar.gz
cd byobu-*
sudo make
sudo make install
You should now be able to enter byobu with the following command:
Optional - Switch Byobu Backend To Tmux
By default, byobu will use screen for sessions instead of tmux. This results in there being two rows at the bottom instead of just one. Here's how to change to using tmux.
sudo yum install tmux -y
At the prompt, press 1 to select tmux.
Byobu Prompt
If you took the time to carefully configure how the prompt is shown in your console, you may be a bit miffed that byobu will override this with its own prompt configuration. However, it is easy enough to disable/enable byobu's cusomized prompt using the commands below, or even tweak it.
Disable Prompt
Enable Prompt
Configure Prompt
If you would like to tweak byobus prompt instead of just disabling it, then edit its configuration file:
sudo editor /usr/share/byobu/profiles/bashrc
- Install Byobu on CentOS
- Ask Ubuntu - How to change Byobu prompt from
? - Ask Ubuntu - Byobu - dont show path
First published: 16th August 2018