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Create Nemo Action (Shortcut) - Open In Terminator

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For some reason, setting Xubuntu's preferred terminal application to Terminator was not resulting in the Nemo "Open in terminal" menu option opening the location in my terminal.

The easiest way to fix this was to create a new Nemo action for opening in Terminator.

You could easily change these steps to add any more number of actions you desire.

The action was taking a while to respond whilst I was making a large file transfer in the background. I fixed this by reducing my "dirty files" buffer allowance.


Create a new "actions file" for nemo in your hidden local share area.

editor /home/$USER/.local/share/nemo/actions/open_in_terminator.nemo_action

Fill it with the following content:

[Nemo Action]

Name=Open in Terminator
Comment=Open the 'terminator' terminal in the selected folder
Exec=terminator --working-directory="%F"

Open in Sublime

Additionally, if you want to add one for opening a folder in Sublime: Create a new "actions file" for nemo in your hidden local share area.

editor /home/$USER/.local/share/nemo/actions/open_in_sublime.nemo_action

Fill it with the following content:

[Nemo Action]

Name=Open in Sublime
Comment=Open the selected folder in Sublime
Exec=subl "%F"


Last updated: 27th July 2022
First published: 18th June 2021

This blog is created by Stuart Page

I'm a freelance web developer and technology consultant based in Surrey, UK, with over 10 years experience in web development, DevOps, Linux Administration, and IT solutions.

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