Docker - Enter a Running Container With New TTY
Since docker 1.3, you can use docker exec -it [container-id] bash
To make life easier, I created the script below
if [ "$#" -ne $EXPECTED_NUM_ARGS ]; then
# user didn't specify which container ID, assume the latest one
CONTAINER_ID=`/usr/bin/docker ps -q --no-trunc | /bin/sed -n 1p`
/usr/bin/docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID env TERM=xterm bash
# enter the container the user specified
/usr/bin/docker exec -it $1 env TERM=xterm bash
You can "install" with:
wget \
&& sudo mv -i docker-enter /usr/bin/docker-enter \
&& sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-enter
Now you can just run docker-enter $CONTAINER_ID
, but best of all, if just want to enter the last container you spawned, just run the command docker-enter
without having to look up the ID.
This is especially useful on hosts where you are just running one container.
Powershell Version
A colleague at work kindly provided me with the powershell version below:
function docker-enter
$id = (docker container ls | select-string $name) -replace "(\w)\s+.*$name$", $1
docker exec -it $id bash
Last updated: 22nd July 2021
First published: 16th August 2018
First published: 16th August 2018