Programster's Blog

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Ubuntu 14.04 - Install Geary Email Client

Geary is an email client that has a better looking UI than Thunderbird, in my opinion.


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:geary-team/releases -y
sudo apt update && sudo apt install geary -y

When you launch the application, it will default to asking for your gmail account details. For this, I would generate an app specific password.


Below are the most useful shortcuts, but there is a larger list here.

  • Archive - A
  • Compose a new message - Ctrl + N or N
  • Reply to sender - Ctrl + R or R
  • Reply to all - Ctrl + Shift +RorShift+R`
  • Forward - Ctrl + L or F
  • Trash - Delete or Backspace
  • Delete - Shift + Delete or Shift + Backspace
  • Mark unread - Ctrl + U or Shift + U
  • Mark read - Ctrl + I or Shift + I
  • Star - S
  • Unstar - D
  • Close composer window - Ctrl + W
  • Quit - Ctrl + Q
Last updated: 16th August 2018
First published: 16th August 2018