Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Convert PFX Key To Certificates



openssl pkcs12 -in $PFX_FILEPATH -nocerts -out encrypted.private.key.crt
openssl pkcs12 -in $PFX_FILEPATH -cacerts -nokeys -chain -out ca.crt
openssl pkcs12 -in $PFX_FILEPATH -clcerts -nokeys -out site.crt
openssl rsa -in encrypted.private.key.crt -out decrypted.private.key.crt


Last updated: 13th February 2021
First published: 1st February 2021

This blog is created by Stuart Page

I'm a freelance web developer and technology consultant based in Surrey, UK, with over 10 years experience in web development, DevOps, Linux Administration, and IT solutions.

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