Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Proxmox - Update SSL/TLS Certificates

Learn how to update the SSL/TLS certificates on your proxmox server manually.

Dockerized GitLab - Configure SSL

Configure your GitLab docker container to listen for HTTPS connections by enabling and configuring the NGINX service.

Create Your Own Private SSL/TLS Certificates

Learn how to create your own private SSL/TLS certificates.

Using Certbot Docker Image

Use the certbot docker image to generate Lets Encrypt SSL certificates.

Convert PFX Key To Certificates

Convert a PFX file into the separate SSL certificates.

Renew SSL Certificates On Debian 10 Using Certbot

Automatically create and renew LetsEncrypt SSL certificates on Debian 10 with Certbot.

Automatically Renew Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates on Ubuntu 18.04 Apache Webserver

Learn how to automatically renew your Let's Encrypt SSL certificates on an Ubuntu 18.04 Apache webserver.

ACME PHP - Request Certificate

Request certificates from LetsEncrypt after having proven that you own the domain.

ACME PHP - Prove Domain Ownership

Prove you own a domain to LetsEncrypt, using the ACME PHP tool.

ACME PHP - Registration

Register with LetsEncrypt using the ACME PHP.

Acme PHP - Installation

Install the ACME PHP tool.

Key File Formats

Learn about the different key file formats.

Free SSL Certificates with SSL For Free

Check Your Website's SSL Certificates

Generate A CSR

Managing Encryption Keys (ssh/ssl)

Startssl - Create Your First Website Certificate

Configuring Free SSL Certificates with Startssl - Validating Domains

Configure Free SSL Certificates - Registering with Startssl