Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

GitLab - Retrieve CI/CD Variable With BASH

Learn how to fetch a GitLab CI/CD variable's value with some CLI commands.

GitLab Pipeline Tags

Learn how to make use of tags for your GitLab pipelines, in order to ensure certain jobs run on certain runners.

GitLab - Default Configuration File

The default configuration file that is provided when creating a new GitLab instance.

GitLab Documentation Index

A documentation index for my tutorials on GitLab, to make finding the appropriate information much easier.

Dockerized GitLab - Configure SSL

Configure your GitLab docker container to listen for HTTPS connections by enabling and configuring the NGINX service.

Dockerized GitLab - Enable Container Registry

Enable the registry in your Dockerized GitLab instance.

Gitlab Pipeline - Environment Builds

Have a single set of "build" and "deploy" steps in your pipeline, but run different actions based on your environment.

GitLab - Create A Project Access Token

Learn how to create a token that grants limited access to a specific project.

GitLab - Create A Personal Access Token

Generate a personal access token that will grant a service the ability to perform certain actions as if they were you.

Composer Install From Private Repository In a Privately Hosted GitLab Server Using GitLab Tokens

Learn how to install packages hosted on a private Gitlab server using Composer and GitLab tokens. This is primarily useful for those setting up CI/CD pipelines with private PHP packages.

A Really Basic GitLab Pipeline To Build And Deploy A Docker Image

A simple CI/CD pipeline that will get you something simple/basic in place that you can the "build" (pun intended) upon. This way there isn't a steep learning curve.

GitLab - Add A Pipeline Variable

Set variables for your CI/CD pipelines in GitLab.

GitLab - Find Project's ID

Find your GitLab project's ID

Gitlab - Disable Automatic DevOps Pipelines

Disable the "Auto DevOps" on new projects in Gitalb

Gitlab - Fixing Unable To Upload Images To Wiki

Fix not being able to upload images to the wikis in Gitlab when using a reverse proxy for HTTPS.

Getting Started with LFS in GitLab

Get started with using LFS in GitLab in order to manage large files.

Dockerized Gitlab - Configure SMTP

Configure SMTP for Dockerized Gitlab so that it can send emails.

Deploy Gitlab Runner With Docker

Deploy a Gitlab runner to unlock CI/CD capabilities in Gitlab.

Deploy GitLab Through Docker

Deploy Gitlab through Docker.