Learn how to fetch a GitLab CI/CD variable's value with some CLI commands.
Learn how to make use of tags for your GitLab pipelines, in order to ensure certain jobs run on certain runners.
The default configuration file that is provided when creating a new GitLab instance.
A documentation index for my tutorials on GitLab, to make finding the appropriate information much easier.
Configure your GitLab docker container to listen for HTTPS connections by enabling and configuring the NGINX service.
Enable the registry in your Dockerized GitLab instance.
Have a single set of "build" and "deploy" steps in your pipeline, but run different actions based on your environment.
Learn how to create a token that grants limited access to a specific project.
Generate a personal access token that will grant a service the ability to perform certain actions as if they were you.
Learn how to install packages hosted on a private Gitlab server using Composer and GitLab tokens. This is primarily useful for those setting up CI/CD pipelines with private PHP packages.
A simple CI/CD pipeline that will get you something simple/basic in place that you can the "build" (pun intended) upon. This way there isn't a steep learning curve.
Fix not being able to upload images to the wikis in Gitlab when using a reverse proxy for HTTPS.