GitLab Documentation Index
I have so many GitLab tutorials, and I'm always adding more, that it is can be a bit difficult to find the appropriate one, even with searching. Thus I have put together the links below, to try and help myself and others go straight to the relevant tutorial.
Setting Up / Configuring GitLab
- This is the starting point. You can't really do anything with GitLab until you've deployed it.
Dockerized GitLab - Configure SMTP
- You pretty much have to configure SMTP for emailing after having deployed GitLab, in order for users to be able to set their passwords.
Configure SSL
- Configure GitLab With SSL
- Add SSL to your Dockerized GitLab instance, removing the need to set up a reverse-proxy.
- Configure Reverse Proxy for GitLab SSL (in progress)
- Configure a reverse proxy to point to your GitLab instance, removing the need to configure GitLab with SSL.
- GitLab - Fixing Unable To Upload Images To Wiki
- User's implementing the reverse proxy might run into an issue with uploading images to the wiki. This shows how to fix that.
- Configure GitLab With SSL
Enable GitLab's Container Registry
- GitLab can act as your Docker registry, but it is not enabled by default. This tutorial will show you how.
- Provides the original configuration file, in case you need to compare against it, or reset some sections.
DevOps and CI/CD
Deploy GitLab Runner With Docker
- Before you can do any of the fancy CI/CD stuff, you need a "runner" to execute your pipelines. This will show you how to deploy one.
Gitlab - Disable Automatic DevOps Pipelines
- Learn how to disable the automatic DevOps Pipelines on all new projects.
- A tutorial for beginners of GitLab CI/CD that teaches them the basics of how to set a variable for your pipeline. E.g. add the SSH key to access your server so the pipeline can deploy.
- Create a token that will allow a script to access/deploy just one project.
Create A Personal Access Token
- Create a token that will allow your script to access GitLab as if it was you (multi-project).
A Really Basic GitLab Pipeline To Build And Deploy A Docker Image
- A really simple pipeline that one can implement to build, push, and deploy Docker images from your GitLab codebase.
Gitlab Pipeline - Build and Deploy Docker Image With Terraform
- This tutorial demonstrates how one can use Terraform within GitLab to perform deployments. In this basic scenario, we are making use of the Terraform Docker provider to build and push the Docker image to our private Docker registry.
GitLab Pipeline - Environment Builds
- Learn how to set up your GItLab pipeline file, so that it can build/deploy differently based on the environment branch that was updated.
Composer Install From Private Repository In a Privately Hosted GitLab Server Using GitLab Tokens
- Learn how to install PHP packages that are hosted on your private GitLab server, by using GitLab tokens.
- GitLab - Find Project's ID
- When working with the API, 99% of the time, I need to perform operations based on a project's ID. This shows you how to find it from the web-interface.
First published: 19th February 2022