Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Configuring The Proxmox Firewall

Learn how to configure the firewall in Proxmox.

Using Nftables With Docker

Learn how one can use nftables for implementing firewall rules, whilst using Docker. However, this will require Docker to run in host networking mode.

Deploy Keycloak Using Docker

Learn how to deploy Keycloak through Docker.

HashiCorp Vault - Enable Username/Password Authentication

A quick guide to enabling username/password based authentication in Vault.

Configure SSH To Allow Logging In Via Password For Certain Users or Groups

Learn how to allow specific users to authenticate using a password, whilst everyone else has to authenticate via a key file instead.

Use Remote Docker Host With SSH

This tutorial will show you how you can configure Docker to safely use a remote Docker host, by simply configuring SSH details, rather than having to set up any kind of fancy TLS security.

Nginx - Implement HTTP Basic Auth

Implement HTTP basic authentication in Nginx

UFW Cheatsheet

A cheatsheet for using the uncomplicated firewall (UFW).

Create A GitHub Deploy Key

Create a GitHub deploy key in order to give your pipelines restricted access to just one project.

Jenkins - Storing Passwords, Secrets, and Credentials

Learn how to store secrets / credentials in Jenkins.

Setting Up TOTP in PHP

Get started with using time-based one-time-passwords (TOTP) in PHP for MFA/2FA.

AWS - Create Specific Keys For Security Access

See just how easy it is to create keys for your services that have limited access rights. This could save your bacon.

CentOS 7 - Disable Root Login

Managing Encryption Keys (ssh/ssl)

Giving Users Adminastrative Privileges

Learn how to give users administrative privileges such that they can execute certain commands that require root, or allow them to run sudo without having to enter a password etc.

Ubuntu - SSH Two Factor Authentication