UFW Cheatsheet
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To install UFW if you don't already have it, run:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ufw -y
Enable UFW
UFW is disabled by default in Ubuntu and you have to enable it:
sudo ufw enable
Disable UFW
sudo ufw disable
You probably don't want to just enable it for one session, but to start up at boot. To do this, edit the configuration file:
sudo editor /etc/ufw/ufw.conf
... and change
Get Status / Rules
sudo ufw status
If you want the output to be numbered, so you know the rule IDs:
sudo ufw status numbered
Default Deny
You probably want UFW to deny everything by default and add whitelist exceptions later.
ufw default deny
Open/Unblock Port
To allow a any ip and protocol on a certain port:
ufw allow (port-number-here)
Allow Protocol on Port
ufw allow $PORT/$PROTOCOL
ufw allow 22/tcp
Allow IP Complete Access
ufw allow from $IP_ADDRESS
Allow IP Range
ufw allow from $IP/$CIDR
ufw allow from
Allow IP Range On One Port
The following could be useful if you wanted to give an IP the ability to
connect to the database port, but not SSH for example. It seems strange, but
you need to use to any port
to allow specifying the port.
sudo ufw allow from to any port 3306
Block an IP
sudo ufw insert 1 deny from $IP_HERE
The insert 1
is important, and ensures that the rule is injected at the front of the list of rules.
Otherwise, if there was another rule that would accept the connection, e.g. "allow on port 80",
then UFW would accept the connection instead of blocking it. UFW does not have a concept
of specificity, only the order of the rules.
If that doesn't work, it might be because you have no rules. In which case use:
sudo ufw deny from $IP_HERE
Block Outgoing To IP
Today I needed to block my web browser going to an IP address in order to test something. The previous rule for blocking an IP just blocks incoming traffic, but in this case we want to block outgoing traffic.
sudo ufw deny out from any to $IP_ADDRESS
Deleting Rules
There are many ways to delete rules in UFW, but the simplest way is to list the rules with their numbers/indexes and then delete by index with the following two commands:
sudo ufw status numbered
sudo ufw delete $RULE_NUMBER
Please Note
I believe rules from iptables can mix with UFW. For example, I have set up some routing rules in iptables for OpenVPN before then configuring ufw to default block and allow ports 22 and 1194 and I can still browse the internet etc so packet forwarding is still working.
First published: 3rd August 2021