Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Zabbix - Monitoring A Ubuntu 22.04 Host

Learn how to monitor an Ubuntu 22.04 instance with Zabbix.

Ubuntu 22 - Install Docker

Install docker engine on Ubuntu 22.04

Remove Snap System From Ubuntu

Remove the snap system from Ubuntu.

Xubuntu 20.04 Setup Desktop Script

My script for setting up a fresh install of Xubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu 20 - Install Docker

Install docker engine on Ubuntu 20.04

Restart Ubuntu GUI

This post tells you how to restart the Ubuntu GUI from the CLI (using SSH) in case it ever locks up.

Restore Missing Window Decoration - Compiz Replace

Using the CLI to Set Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

Configure Apt To Use Your Local Ubuntu Mirror

Configure your Ubuntu machines to use your local mirror for updates, saving time and bandwidth.

Deploy A Local Ubuntu Mirror using Rsync

Set up an Ubuntu mirror using good old rsync. Nothing fancy, just works!

Set Up A Local Ubuntu / Debian Mirror with Apt-Mirror

Fix SSH Connections to Ubuntu 16.04 not Exiting Cleanly

Set Up A Local Ubuntu Mirror

Ubuntu - Use Closest Mirrors

Ubuntu 14.04 Upgrade Kernel

Ubuntu 14.04 - Setting Up A KVM Host

Ubuntu 14.04 - Deploy a Ceph Cluster (Part 2)

Ubuntu 14.04 - Deploy a Ceph Cluster (Part 1)

Giving Users Adminastrative Privileges

Learn how to give users administrative privileges such that they can execute certain commands that require root, or allow them to run sudo without having to enter a password etc.

Ubuntu 14.04 - Install Flash In Chromium