Programster's Blog

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Debian 12 - Manually Install Rundeck

  1. Introduction
  2. Install Steps
    1. Setup Database
      1. Create Installation Area
      2. Create Secret Password File
      3. Create Docker Compose File
    2. Install Rundeck
  3. Post Installation Steps
    1. Configure Rundeck To Use PostgreSQL
    2. Configuring Admin Password
    3. Configure Reverse Proxy
    4. Change Expected URL
    5. Manually Start Rundeck
    6. Start Rundeck On Boot
    7. Service Status Command
    8. Optional - Checking PostgreSQL Setup
    9. First Login
    10. Optional - Switch API To Legacy XML For Terraform/Tofu
  4. Conclusion
  5. References


This tutorial will show you how to manually install Rundeck on Debian 12, rather than deploying through Docker. Normally, I would only use Docker for deployments, but I have been frustrated by Rundeck 5 no longer working with Terraform [1][2], so have switched back to a manual installation where I can update the configuration files to resolve the issue and they don't revert back.

Install Steps

Setup Database

Before we get to actually deploying Rundeck, we need to deploy a database for it to be configured to use later. This is because according to the docs, the database system Rundeck comes with (H2) is not considered safe for production because it not resilient if Rundeck is not shutdown gracefully.

If you already have a remote database configured, then skip to installing Rundeck. However, for those that wish to quickly get set up with everything being contained on this one Debian 12 server, then the easiest way is to install docker and then use it to deploy a local PostgreSQL database that can only be connected to from the host.

Create Installation Area

First lets create an area to setup PostgreSQL within.

mkdir $HOME/postgresql

Create Secret Password File

Now we need to create a file that will contain the password for the PostgreSQL database. This is the safest/easiest way to set a strong random password with the ability to set special characeters without issues

touch $HOME/postgresql/.password
chmod 700 $HOME/postgresql/.password
editor $HOME/postgresql/.password

Put in a strong random password for the database to be configured with.

Create Docker Compose File

editor $HOME/postgresql/docker-compose.yaml
    image: postgres:17.2-bookworm
    container_name: db
    restart: always
      - ""
      - db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - db_password
      - POSTGRES_USER=rundeck
      - POSTGRES_DB=rundeck
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/db_password

    file: ${HOME}/postgresql/.password

    driver: local

The use of ensures that the container is bound to only the local IP, and the container cannot be accessed from outside the host for security. If you do wish to be able to connect to the database externally, then you can just remove the part.

Install Rundeck

Run the following BASH script on Debian 12 to install Rundeck.


# Add the gpg key so we trust their signed packages.
curl -L | sudo apt-key add -

# Add their repo to our sources
KEY_URL=""  \
  && curl -fsSL $KEY_URL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/rundeck.gpg 

sudo echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/rundeck.gpg] any main
deb-src [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/rundeck.gpg] any main" \
  | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rundeck.list

# Install rundeck from the packages
sudo apt update \
  && sudo apt install rundeck -y

This will install Rundeck 5.8.0 at the time of writing this.

Post Installation Steps

Configure Rundeck To Use PostgreSQL

sudo editor /etc/rundeck/

Find the line that has dataSource.url....

...and replace it with the following lines:

dataSource.driverClassName = org.postgresql.Driver
dataSource.url = jdbc:postgresql://
dataSource.username = rundeck
dataSource.password = myRundeckPasswordHere

Be sure to swap out myRundeckPasswordHere with whatever the password you created earlier was.

Configuring Admin Password

The admin password is a known weak password, so the first thing you need to do is set a stronger one.

Open the file where users are set:

sudo editor /etc/rundeck/

Find the line with:


We need to update this with our stronger password, and it is best if we store a strongly hashed form of the password in this file, rather than having it in plaintext. The easiest way that I found to do this was with this custom PHP script I created that generates the line for me.

Create and run the following PHP script to generate the line to replace the admin line with:


# Fill in these settings as appropriate

$ROLES = [

$output=password_hash($PASSWORD, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);

print "{$USERNAME}: BCRYPT:{$output}," . implode(",", $ROLES) . PHP_EOL;

Then overwrite the original line, or comment it out and put it just below like so:

If you want to add additional users, simply repeat these steps and add them as additional lines (making sure to change the username and roles).

Configure Reverse Proxy

It is best to set up an encrypted connection to the Rundeck server, and the easiest way to do this is to create a reverse proxy that handles and terminates the HTTPS connection before passing on the request to the Rundeck server over the secure internal network (could even be the same host).

Please refer here for how to do this with Nginx.

Change Expected URL

We logged in earlier by going to localhost. However if this is not the actual FQDN that you access Rundeck on, then all of the redirections (such as when you login), won't work. We need to tell Rundeck what FQDN it should be using. E.g. if you have set it up behind a reverse proxy.

sudo editor /etc/rundeck/

Find the line that has grails.serverURL= and change it's value as appropriate. E.g. something like:


Manually Start Rundeck

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service rundeckd start

Run the following command to check the log output from Rundeck:

tail -f /var/log/rundeck/service.log

A while after having started Rundeck (it takes a minute or two before the output really gets going),you should see the following:

Grails application running at http://localhost:4440 in environment: production

Start Rundeck On Boot

Run the following command to configure Rundeck to start on boot in future so you don't have to manually start it each time.

sudo systemctl enable rundeckd

Service Status Command

To check the status of the service, you need to run:

sudo service rundeckd status

I keep forgetting that it is rundeckd instead of just rundeck.

Optional - Checking PostgreSQL Setup

If you wish to manually check/confirm that Rundeck is actually using your PostgreSQL database, you could install some packages to be able to log into the database and check it.

sudo apt update \
  && sudo apt install -y postgresql-common postgresql-client-15

Then login with:

sudo -u $DB_USER psql -h $DB_NAME

... and enter the password you set earlier.

Then you can run the following command to list all the tables that Rundeck created:


You should see the following output:

                  List of relations
 Schema |           Name            | Type  |  Owner  
 public | auth_token                | table | rundeck
 public | base_report               | table | rundeck
 public | databasechangelog         | table | rundeck
 public | databasechangeloglock     | table | rundeck
 public | execution                 | table | rundeck
 public | job_file_record           | table | rundeck
 public | log_file_storage_request  | table | rundeck
 public | notification              | table | rundeck
 public | orchestrator              | table | rundeck
 public | plugin_meta               | table | rundeck
 public | project                   | table | rundeck
 public | rdoption                  | table | rundeck
 public | rduser                    | table | rundeck
 public | referenced_execution      | table | rundeck
 public | scheduled_execution       | table | rundeck
 public | scheduled_execution_stats | table | rundeck
 public | storage                   | table | rundeck
 public | stored_event              | table | rundeck
 public | webhook                   | table | rundeck
 public | workflow                  | table | rundeck
 public | workflow_step             | table | rundeck
 public | workflow_workflow_step    | table | rundeck
(22 rows)

Type the following to quit out:


First Login

You should now be able to log in at http://localhost:4440 (or the URL of your reverse proxy) with the username and password you set earlier. If you skipped that step, the the username and password will both be set to admin.

Optional - Switch API To Legacy XML For Terraform/Tofu

Run the following command to switch the API to using XML, in order to have the Terraform provider work.

sudo echo "
# Switch to legacy XML for Terraform to work
rundeck.feature.legacyXml.enabled=true" \
  | sudo tee -a /etc/rundeck/


You have now deployed and configured your Rundeck server manually. Be sure to check my other Rundeck tutorials for additional things you may be interested in.


Last updated: 20th January 2025
First published: 20th January 2025

This blog is created by Stuart Page

I'm a freelance web developer and technology consultant based in Surrey, UK, with over 10 years experience in web development, DevOps, Linux Administration, and IT solutions.

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