Simplifying TLS And Using It For Docker
Transport Layer Security (TLS) can be a complex beast and it's quite easy to skip trying to understand it when setting up a cluster or VPN. This tutorial will try to explain it whilst showing how to use it in the context of setting up secure connections between you, the client, and a Docker host/server.
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Table of Contents
- Terminology
- File Extensions
- Creating a Certificate Authority
- Setting Up A Server And Client
- Testing It Works
- Conclusion
- References
Certificate Authority
A certificate authority is a trusted party that will sign certificates, thus vouching for them. Quite often, this is a trusted third party. For example, I trust Bob and Bob vouches for Steven (shown by a signature on the certificate), so I trust Steven's certificate. This is how the world of website certificates works, with organizations such as DigiCert and Lets Encrypt acting as these trusted third parties by web browsers, that people get their certificates signed by.
You can be your own certificate authority, and this works in IT organizations, where the organization sets up the infrastructure to trust certificates issues by the organization. This s what we will be doing in this tutorial.
Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
A certificate signing request (CSR) is a message sent from an applicant to a certificate authority in order to apply for a digital identity certificate. The CSR contains information identifying the applicant, such as a distinguished name, IP or fully qualified domain name. This information must be signed using the applicant's private key and contains contains the applicant's public key accompanied by other credentials or proofs of identity required by the certificate authority.
File Extensions
Throughout the tutorial below I will use the following file extensions which may or may not be the same as other tutorial's conventions.
- a certificate file..csr
- a certificate signing request..pem
- a private key.
Docker Certificate Extension Standards
Although .crt
and .cert
are just both valid extensions for a PEM certificate file, the Docker daemon interprets .crt
files as CA certificates and .cert
files as client certificates
If a CA certificate is accidentally given the extension .cert
instead of the correct .crt
extension, the Docker daemon logs the following error message:
Missing key KEY_NAME for client certificate CERT_NAME. CA certificates should use the extension .crt.
Creating a Certificate Authority
In this example, I am going to create a certificate authority for Programster at
, and use it
for nodes to communicate with each other using certificates provided by this certificate authority.
First we need to generate a private key for our certificate authority. This will take a passphrase to create and then use so that if anyone else manages to steal this file, they will be unable to use it to issue certificates in the name of the certificate authority.
openssl genrsa -aes256 -out programster-ca-private-key.pem 2048
By default the generated private key is world readable. You may wish to remove this permission so that only you can view and edit it.
chmod 700 programster-ca-private-key.pem
Now we are going to generate a public certificate for this certificate authority using the private key we just generated. We need to make sure to use our certificate authority's server IP or fully qualified domain name when stating the "Common Name" for the certificate.
openssl req \
-new \
-x509 \
-days 365 \
-key programster-ca-private-key.pem \
-sha256 \
-out programster.crt
Setting Up A Server And Client
Next we will generate a private key for a node that wishes to communicate with other nodes that use certificates issued by our certificate authority. This may be one of our servers that hosts Docker containers, or it may be a client that wishes to send Docker commands to these hosts (e.g. your personal computer). These steps are usually performed on a separate server to the certificate authority, but doesn't have to be.
openssl genrsa -out node1-private-key.pem 4096
chmod 700 node1-private-key.pem
in the generation of the private key this time because we want our cluster's processes to
be able to use this key, hence we definitely want to change the file permissions to 700
which was "more optional" before.
Now that we have a private key for our server. We need to use it in the generation of a certificate signing request (CSR) which we will later give to our certificate authority for them to be able to provide us a public certificate that they have signed. The purpose of the CSR is to allow the authority to provide us with our public, signed certificate, without us having to give them our private key in the process.
openssl req \
-subj "/" \
-new \
-key node1-private-key.pem \
-out node1.csr
with the fully qualified domain name or IP of the node the certificate is for.
Send this CSR file over to the certificate authority for it to approve. E.g.
scp node1.csr
On our certificate authority server, we now need use the request to generate a signed certificate, in order to give the requestor our "backing".
If The Requestor Is A Docker Host (Server)
If the requestor is from a server that has a fixed IP and will be hosting containers, then create an extension file first with the following content. This will add the requestor's various IP addresses (public and private) to the certificate so that they can be verified against these.
echo subjectAltName = IP:,IP: > extfile.cnf
If The Requestor Is A Client
On the other hand, if the requestor is a client with no fixed IP that you wish to authenticate when connecting to a Docker host, then use the following instead. This is typical for your laptop that you wish to send commands to your hosts from.
echo extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth > extfile.cnf
Now, using the extfile we generated, we can sign the request.
openssl x509 -req \
-days 365 \
-in node1.csr \
-CA programster.crt \
-CAkey programster-ca-private-key.pem \
-CAcreateserial \
-out node1.cert \
-extfile extfile.cnf
We no longer need the certificate sign request (CSR) after having used it to generate a certificate for the requestor. Nor do we need the extfile.conf file that was used in building the certificate.
rm node1.csr extfile.conf
Now send the signed certificate, and a copy of the CA certificate back to the requestor.
scp node1.cert programster.crt
Testing it works
After performing the steps in Setting Up A Server And Client for both a server and a client, we can set the server to listen on a public port for requests, and authenticate using the certificates we just created.
Set the docker host to use certificates
For the server, run the command below:
sudo docker daemon \
--tlsverify \
--tlscacert=programster.crt \
--tlscert=node1.cert \
--tlskey=node1-private-key.pem \
tells the Docker daemon to verify requests using TLS certificates.--tlscacert=programster.crt
tells the daemon to only trust incoming connections from clients that present a certificate signed by this certificate authority public certificate.--tlscert=node1.cert
tells the daemon the path to our public certificate for identifying ourselves and giving to clients for encrypting their communications to us.--tlskey=node1-private-key.pem
tells the daemon what our private key is, for decrypting the communications sent to us by the clients who used our public certificate for encryption.--host
is used to specify the host address that docker will listen to. Setting this to0.0.0.0
configures docker to listen to all TCP connections. One can set aunix:///
socket path here instead, which is the default for Linux (unix:///var/run/docker.sock
). One can use the shorthand-H
instead if one desires.
Client Connect Using Certificates
For the client (your local laptop/computer), use the command below to securely connect to the host using the certificates, and fetch information about the version of docker it is running.
docker \
--tlsverify \
--tlscacert=programster.crt \
--tlscert=client.crt \
--tlskey=client-private-key.pem \ \
- The
tells the Docker client to check and trust the server if its public certificate is signed by the provided certificate-authority public certificate. - The
parameters provides our public and private key for client authentication, for the server to trust us. We provide the server thetlscert
, which it checks is signed by the certificate authority that the server expects, for it to trust us. Usually this would be the same certificate authority as we specified intlscacert
, but technically doesn't have to be. E.g. we can trust a server vouched for by Bob, but that server may only trust connections signed by Susan.
You should get output similar to below:
Version: 1.9.1
API version: 1.21
Go version: go1.4.2
Git commit: a34a1d5
Built: Fri Nov 20 13:12:04 UTC 2015
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Version: 1.9.1
API version: 1.21
Go version: go1.4.2
Git commit: a34a1d5
Built: Fri Nov 20 12:59:02 UTC 2015
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Congratulations! You can now securely send Docker commands to your hosts without having to SSH into them. This is a key step for setting up a Docker swarm.
- Protect the Docker daemon socket - Use TLS (HTTPS) to protect the Docker daemon socket
- Docker Docs v1.5 - Protecting the Docker daemon Socket with HTTPS
- Docker Docs - Docker Swarm
First published: 16th August 2018