Ubuntu 16.04 - Install Firefox Nightly
If you just cannot wait for the next version of Firefox to become available, and are willing to try something that isn't guaranteed to be stable, then you can perform the steps below to install the "Nightly" version of Firefox that is continuously being updated.
Method 1 - Manual Download
- Go here and download the version of Firefox you want (nightly is at the bottom).
- Extract the tar.bz file
- In the newly created Firefox folder, double click the firefox executable file to open that version of firefox.
Method 2 - PPA
This was my original method for installing beta versions of Firefox, but it did not work for me recently, which is why I added method 1 and made this method 2.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa -y
sudo apt update
sudo apt install firefox-trunk -y
Run The Application
To run the firefox nightly, run the following command from the cli, or search for it in the dash:
First published: 16th August 2018