Programster's Blog

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Ubuntu - Install PT Mono Font

PT Mono is one of my favourite monospaced fonts for development, as such, I have written a script to automatically set it up, which I would like to share.


# Installs PT Mono font onto Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04 Systems

# Check to make sure the user has the unzip package installed
export NO_UNZIP=$(apt-cache policy unzip | grep "Installed: (none)" | wc -l)

# Result will be 1 if it is NOT installed
if [ "$NO_UNZIP" = "0" ]; then

    export TEMP_DIR='temp-technostu-script'
    cd ~
    mkdir $TEMP_DIR
    cd $TEMP_DIR

    # Download PT mono from google fonts
    export FONT_URL=""
    export FONT_URL="$FONT_URL?kit=7qsh9BNBJbZ6khIbS3ZpfKCWcynf_cDxXwCLxiixG1c"
    wget --content-disposition "$FONT_URL"

    # Create a PT_Mono directory which we will copy across into the fonts directory.
    mkdir PT_Mono
    mv PT_Mono/.
    cd PT_Mono
    cd ..
    sudo mv PT_Mono /usr/share/fonts/truetype/.

    # Re-cache the fonts
    echo 'Re-caching fonts...'
    sudo fc-cache -fv

    # cleanup
    cd ~
    sudo rm -rf $TEMP_DIR

    echo 'done!'
    # User doesnt have unzip installed, tell them how to install it
    echo 'You need to install unzip for this to work: try '
    echo '"sudo apt-get install unzip"'

This script has been tested on:

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Ubuntu 14.04


Here is a screenshot of what my terminal looks like when I set it to use PT mono bold (I like fat fonts in my terminal).

Last updated: 16th August 2018
First published: 16th August 2018

This blog is created by Stuart Page

I'm a freelance web developer and technology consultant based in Surrey, UK, with over 10 years experience in web development, DevOps, Linux Administration, and IT solutions.

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