Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Favourite Fonts

A list of my favourite fonts so I don't forget when switching computers.

Install Iosevka Fonts

Install the Iosevka font on Ubuntu.

Ubuntu - Install Fira Code Font

Install the Fira Code font in various versions of Ubuntu. This font is great for programming due providing various ligatures.

Ubuntu - Install Hasklig Font

A script to install the Hasklig font on Ubuntu. This is a neat monospace font with ligatures (good for programming in).

Install Fonts From Google With Typecatcher

Install fonts from Google locally using the free Typecatcher python tool.

Ubuntu - Install PT Mono Font

Install the PT Mono font with a BASH script.

Install IBM Plex Font

This tutorial will show you how to install the IBM Plex font with a BASH script.

Ubuntu - Install Inconsolata Monospace Font

Install Inconsolata font in Ubuntu

Debian 8 Gnome Desktop - Improve Font Rendering