Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Deploy Semaphore With Docker

Instructions on how to deploy Semaphore through Docker.

Introduction To Ansible Semaphore From Christian Lempa

Learn about Ansible Semaphore from an awesome video provided by Christian Lempa.

Deploying Rundeck Through Docker

Learn how to deploy Rundeck easily with the help of Docker.

How I Set Up Ansible Master / Slave

My guide on how to set up and use Ansible after having installed it.

Ansible - Run A Local Script On Remote Server

Learn how you can run a local script on a remote server with Ansible.

The Ansible Hosts File

Ubuntu 16.04 - Install Ansible

Install ansible on Ubuntu 16.04, either using the native packages or using a PPA.

Ansible - Use SSH Keys

Ansible - Update And Reboot (if required) Amazon Linux Servers

Ansible - Update Debian Based Systems

Debian 8 - Install Ansible