Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Librecalc - Set Allowed Values

Learn how to restrict cells to allowing only certain defined values. This video tutorial demonstrates doing this for creating timesheets.

LibreOffice Calc - Move Column

Learn how to move a column around in LibreOffice Calc without breaking your formulas.

LibreOffice Calc - Conditional Formatting

Apply conditional formatting rules in LibreOffice Calc.

Linux - Convert Excel (XLSX) File To CSV

Convert a massive Excel file to CSV format in seconds.

Ubuntu - Install Latest Libreoffice From PPA

Install the latest version of Libreoffice on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04

LibreCalc - Add Padding To Cells

Add padding to your cells in LibreCalc

Ubuntu 16.04 - Install LibreOffice 5.2.x

Interest and Loans

Ubuntu 14.04 - Install LibreOffice 5.0