Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Ubuntu 18.04 - Install Postman

Install the postman app on Ubuntu 18.04

Database Diagram Tools

My new favourite database diagramming tool.

Samba Cheatsheet

A cheatsheet for the commands you need for setting up Samba users etc.

Htaccess - Require Auth For Everywhere Except Whitelist

Create an htaccess file that requires authentication for everywhere except a whitelist of routes.

Ubuntu 18.04 - Set MySQL Root Password

Set your root password in Ubuntu 18.04 for MySQL.

Dockerfile - Speed Up The Setting of Permissions

Some tips for optimizing the Docker build process when you are setting permissions on a large number of files.

Fdupes - A Duplicate File Removal Tool

Install and use fdupes for finding and removing duplicate files.

Fix Linux VM Guests All Getting The Same DCHP IP

Fix an issue whereby KVM guest clones end up receiving the same DHCP IP address even though they have different MAC addresses, because of a "machine ID".

Creating Project Templates With Composer

Learn to create templates that you can then install using the composer create-project command.

Ethernet Cheatsheet

A cheatsheet for Ethernet networking.

Debian 9 - Use UK Mirror

Configure Debian 9 to use a UK mirror

Creating Github Webhook For Packagist

Learn how to set up a webhook in Github in order to automatically update the package in Packagist.

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