Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Laravel - Use UUID For Model ID

This tutorial will show you how you can quickly add a UUID trait, which you can then add to your models, so that they are using a UUID for their primary key/identifier.

Advantages Of Using UUIDs

A small post about how using UUIDs instead of auto-incrementing integers.

MySQL Performance When Using UUID For Primary Key

Benchmarking the performance of using various UUID types as the primary key on database tables instead of an auto-incrementing integer.

PHP - Using UUID Instead of Auto Increment or Sequence

Learn how to use UUIDs in MySQL for your table IDs, rather than using auto_increment.

PHP Lecture - Identify All the Things With UUIDs!

A lightning talk on UUIDs from the maintainer of the ramsey/UUID package library for PHP.