Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Lecture - Manage SSH With HashiCorp Vault

A lecture about using Vault for managing SSH access.

Xubuntu - Sound Manager

Some info on using the sound audio mixer in Xubuntu.

Xubuntu - Setting Keyboard Shortcuts

Set keyboard shorcuts in Xubuntu

Alternative Docker PS

Script to get docker ps output in a YAML format

Docker Compose Cheatsheet

A cheatsheet for Docker Compose.

Deploy Kibana Using Docker

Deploy Kibana with the help of docker.

Docker - Ubuntu 20.04 - Automate Setting Timezone

Auatomatically set the timezone in Dockerfile so that you can run update without the build stopping/failing.

Backing Up S3 Bucket With Duplicity

A guide on backing up your S3 bucket to another S3 bucket using duplicity and S3FS so you don't need to be able to hold the entire bucket in storage.

Teams - Fix Black Screen When Sharing Screen

Fix an issue with not being able to see anything when sharing on Microsoft Teams.

AWS IAM Examples

Example IAM configurations so you can quickly get what you need.

XFCE - Slow Desktop (Compositing)

A post about how switching off compositing massively sped up my computer, and what compositing is.

Ubuntu 20.04 - Install Recommended Nvidia Graphics From PPA

Install recommended nvidia graphics drivers from a PPA

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