Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Htaccess Cheatsheet

A cheatsheet for htaccess.

Ubuntu 20.04 - Upgrade Kernel (HWE)

Install the latest (HWE) kernel on Ubuntu 20.04.

A Really Basic GitLab Pipeline To Build And Deploy A Docker Image

A simple CI/CD pipeline that will get you something simple/basic in place that you can the "build" (pun intended) upon. This way there isn't a steep learning curve.

Lecture - CI/CD on AWS with CodePipeline and Terraform

A timestamped video walkthrough from "Davo'clock" on creating a CI/CD Pipeline to maintain and update AWS infrastructure with Terraform.

GitLab - Add A Pipeline Variable

Set variables for your CI/CD pipelines in GitLab.

GitLab - Find Project's ID

Find your GitLab project's ID

Gitlab - Disable Automatic DevOps Pipelines

Disable the "Auto DevOps" on new projects in Gitalb

Deploy Hoppscotch API Request Builder

Deploy the Hoppscotch tool, a beautifal API request builder that's an alternative to Postman/Rester.

Alpine Linux - Install BASH

Install BASH in Alpine Linux

Convert PFX Key To Certificates

Convert a PFX file into the separate SSL certificates.

Generate ASCII Art with Figlet

Generate ASCII art with figlet.


Ubuntu 20.04 - Install PHP 8.0

Commands to install PHP 8.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 using Ondrej PPA.

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