Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Database Diagram Tool -

Document your database with

Database Diagram Tool -

Create your database documentation with

Python Cheatsheet

A cheatsheet of useful snippets when working with Python.

Lecture - Publishing (Perfect) Python Packages on PyPi

A timestamped lecture explaining how to build and publish a Python package.

Configure Debian To Use Your Local MIrror

Configure Debian to use your local mirror.

Set Up A Debian Mirror Using Rsync

Set up a Debian mirror using rsync.

Jenkins - Storing Passwords, Secrets, and Credentials

Learn how to store secrets / credentials in Jenkins.

Jenkins - Admin Reset Password

Reset your password in Jenkins through the CLI.

MySQL / PostgreSQL Table Double Buffering

A walkthrough of how you may wish to gracefully handle the need to ingest a large amount of data into your database.


Sitemap Creation Tool - GlooMaps

Learn about Gloomaps; a tool to make creating and sharing a Sitemap easy.

Python - Iterate Over Massive JSON Files

Get started with processing massive JSON files by iterating over them without having to load the entire thing into memory.

Python - Validate JSON

Learn how to validate JSON in Python using a JSON schema.

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