Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Linux - Convert Excel (XLSX) File To CSV

Convert a massive Excel file to CSV format in seconds.

Integrate Jenkins Pipeline Project With GitHub

Learn how to integrate your Jenkins "pipeline" project with GitHub so that your project builds when specific branches are pushed to (e.g. staging/production).

Opera - Don't Start With Previously Open Tabs

Stop Opera browser from re-opening all the tabs that were open when you closed your browser.

Docker - Create .env File On Startup

Create a .env file on startup of your Docker container.

Ubuntu - Install Mullvad VPN

Install Mullvad VPN On Ubuntu.

Getting Started With Laravel Queues and Background Jobs

Learn how to make use of Laravel queues to schedule background (asynchronous) jobs.

Lecture - Manage All Your SSH Servers With Teleport

A timestamped video tutorial on how to set up the Teleport SSH management service.

Jenkins - Using Different Parameters For Different Environment Branches

Learn how to dynamically change your parameter values based on the branch that is being used.

Jenkins - Install A Plugin

Install a plugin in Jenkins

Jenkins Cheatsheet

A personal cheatsheet for when creating Jenkins pipeline files.

Lecture - 7 Amazing Developer Tools that you're not using yet

Seven actually useful online tools.

Getting Started With Docsify

Learn how to use Docsify to create slick web-based documentation.

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