Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Debian 9 - Install Nginx

Instructions for installing different versions of Nginx in Debian 9 Stretch.

Uninstall OneDrive

Instructions on uninstalling OneDrive.

Debian 8 - Install Nginx

Instructions on how to install different versions of Nginx depending on your needs.

Debian 8 - Install Seafile Server 6.x

Set up a Seafile server on Debian 8 (wheezy).

Debian 8 - Install FFmpeg

Instructions on how to install ffmpeg on Debian 8 (Jessie).


Git Workflows

Learn the different types of workflows for Git, including the most common ones, Git Flow and Github Flow.

Getting Started With Sass

Learn how to get started with Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (SASS).

Netbeans - Adding Support for Laravel

Add support for Laravel in Netbeans so that you can get auto-completion and hints working.


PHP Error and Exception Handling

Learn how to register some handlers so that we can capture any kind of issue that occurs in our PHP application.


Cookies in PHP

A tutorial on using PHP to set and read cookies in the user's browser.


PHP - Strict Types

Learn about using declare(strinct_types = 1); in PHP and the implications it has.

Getting Started With Doctrine ORM

Get started with th Doctrine database abastraction layer (DBAL).

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