Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

PHPSpreadsheet - Read Excel (.xlsx) File To Array

Read a basic Excel .xlsx spreadsheet into an array as if it was a CSV file.

GitLab - Default Configuration File

The default configuration file that is provided when creating a new GitLab instance.

GitLab Documentation Index

A documentation index for my tutorials on GitLab, to make finding the appropriate information much easier.

Dockerized GitLab - Configure SSL

Configure your GitLab docker container to listen for HTTPS connections by enabling and configuring the NGINX service.

Dockerized GitLab - Enable Container Registry

Enable the registry in your Dockerized GitLab instance.

Laravel 9 Released

Laravel 9 has been released.

Linux CLI Audio Cheatsheet

A cheatsheet for managing audio/microphone from the CLI.

PhpStorm - Configure SCSS Compilation

Configure PhpStorm to compile .scss files on save.

Thunderbird - Disable Hardware Acceleration

Learn how to disable hardware acceleration in Thunderbird in order to possibly resolve rendering issues/responsiveness.

Getting Started With Coinbase Pro

Learn how to use Coinbase Pro to buy/sell Bitcoins.

PHP Enums

Learn about using enums in PHP 8.1+.


Ubuntu 20.04 - Install PHP 8.1

Commands to install PHP 8.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 using Ondrej PPA.

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