Remove trailing whitespace in Netbeans
Speed up Netbeans search by ignoring certain folders, such as node_modules.
Fix method hinting for PHP in Netbeans.
Change which version ofJava Netbeans uses
Add support for Laravel in Netbeans so that you can get auto-completion and hints working.
Learn how to change Netbeans look and feel (LAF).
Configure PyCharm to use the same keyboard shorcuts as Netbeans.
If you use netbeans like me and new to Laravel, you may get confused/frustrated by lack of autocomplete after typing Route:: This post explains what is going on and how you can fix this.
Install Inconsolata font in Ubuntu
A list of my favourite fonts so I don't forget when switching computers.
Mount your windows folder on a Linux sever.
A cheatsheet for your tsconfig.json file.