Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Netbeans - Remove Trailing Whitespace On Save

Remove trailing whitespace in Netbeans

Netbeans - Speed Up Search By Ignoring Certain Folders

Speed up Netbeans search by ignoring certain folders, such as node_modules.

Netbeans - Fix PHP Method Code Completion

Fix method hinting for PHP in Netbeans.

Netbeans - Add Python Support

Netbeans - Configure Typescript Settings

Netbeans - Change Java

Change which version ofJava Netbeans uses

Netbeans - Adding Support for Laravel

Add support for Laravel in Netbeans so that you can get auto-completion and hints working.

Change Netbeans Look and Feel (LAF)

Learn how to change Netbeans look and feel (LAF).

Make Netbeans Pretty

Configure Netbeans With Typescript

Pycharm - Use Netbeans Keyboard Shortcuts

Configure PyCharm to use the same keyboard shorcuts as Netbeans.

Integrating LESS with Netbeans

Fixing Laravel 4 Routing Autocomplete

If you use netbeans like me and new to Laravel, you may get confused/frustrated by lack of autocomplete after typing Route:: This post explains what is going on and how you can fix this.

Ubuntu - Install Inconsolata Monospace Font

Install Inconsolata font in Ubuntu

Firefox 50 - Tab Cycling

Favourite Fonts

A list of my favourite fonts so I don't forget when switching computers.

Share Windows Folder With Linux

Mount your windows folder on a Linux sever.

Tsconfig Cheatsheet

A cheatsheet for your tsconfig.json file.

PHP - Using Traits