Programster's Blog

Tutorials focusing on Linux, programming, and open-source

Install ZFS On Debian 12

Learn how to install ZFS on Debian 12

Install Nvidia Container Toolkit

Learn how to install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit, which allows users to build and run GPU accelerated docker containers.

Dylan Beattie - Email vs Capitalism

A really interesting presentation from Dylan Beattie on how email has evolved over time. He covers pretty much everything from how email started, the first spam email, how most SMTP providers are not true to the actual specification, and even touching on SPF/DMARC protection etc.

Terraform Commands

A cheatsheet for just the Terraform commands.

Xubuntu - Add Application To Application Finder

Learn how to add an application to your application finder by creating a "Desktop Entry".

Lecture - You want a real DNS Server at home? (bind9 + docker)

Learn how to deploy and configure your own Bind9 DNS server through Docker.

Deploying Gotify For Phone Push Notifications

Learn how to deploy your own Gotify server in order to subscribe for phone push notifications.

LibreOffice Calc - Move Column

Learn how to move a column around in LibreOffice Calc without breaking your formulas.


Learn about how you can use MailHog to deploy a fake SMTP provider for development.

Configure DHCP Server on Debian 12

Learn how to configure a DHCP server on a Debian 12 server.

Firefox - Add Different Search Using Keyword

Learn how to configure Firefox, so that you can prefix your URL bar search with a keyword, in order to search a different search engine, such as Duckduckgo, or this blog.

Configure Nginx Monitoring With Zabbix

Learn how to monitor your Nginx server with Zabbix Agent 2 on Debian 12 / Ubuntu 22.04.

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